Welcome to our website for Professionals!

If you are a Designer, a Tailor, a fabrics Importer …. you will find in our PRO Shop, all the Collections of our 100% French LINEN fabrics with special prices reserved for you.

Fisrt time ? It is very simple ! You just have to register with your own ID and password using the above link. Then you will get access to our linen fabrics Collections with professional prices.

Our PRO Boutique is just a showcase where you can see all the different types of linen fabrics and colours we offer, with their respective prices by quantity.
It is not an online shop. No payment methods are available on this webwite.

If you want to place an order, please send it to :


Email : contact@maisonnormande.boutique

All the information about our company and the general conditions of sale are available on our website https://www.maisonnormande.boutique